Ankle Injuries

The Ankle Anatomy

Despite its small size, the ankle is an incredibly intricate, strong and stable joint – an essential feature to allow us to walk, run and jump with ease.

With the ankle bearing much of our body weight and being central to our mobility, it undergoes a lot of stress and also faces an increased risk of falls and collisions.

The ankle is also a mechanical marvel, carrying forces several times our body weight and allowing for a wide range of rotational movement!

Are You at Risk of Ankle Injuries?

  • Past or current ankle injury, particularly so if it was not well rehabilitated
  • Insufficient strength and chronic instability of the ankle
  • Hypermobility of the ankle joint
  • Participation in sports that require a lot of running, walking or jumping
  • Poor balance and susceptible to falls
  • Not using proper techniques and equipment in sports

Sustaining an Ankle Injury

The most common ankle injuries are stretched or torn ligaments (sprain); as well as cracks or breaks in the bone (fracture).

Acute injuries can force the ankle beyond its normal range of motion, and are usually sustained through a sports injury or a fall. This includes sudden and forceful changes of direction in soccer and tennis; or numerous jumping and twisting movements in basketball.

Overuse injuries, on the other hand, are caused by repetitive forces, such as athletes who run and jump a lot, causing repeated hard landings on their feet.

Finally, arthritis of the ankle can also result in chronic and debilitating pain and mobility issues.

Dr Sean Ng is a skilled foot and ankle doctor
who completed his subspecialty training in Switzerland
under a Ministry of Health scholarship.

For a detailed assessment, contact us today.

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Differentiating a Sprain and Fracture

Ankle Sprain

You will usually still be able to walk

You may experience tenderness and swelling over the outside of the ankle at the soft spot just below the bone.

Ankle Fracture

You may be unable to bear weight on the ankle

You may experience tenderness over the outside and inside of the ankle; as well as possible deformity of the ankle.

Diagnosing Ankle Pain

There are many causes of ankle pain. Here’s how we go about determining the root cause:

  • You will be asked about how the injury occurred, or when the symptoms started presenting.
  • The doctor will examine the ankle, taking note of any bruising, swelling or deformity.
  • The doctor will examine the range of motion of your ankle, as well as pain levels.
  • Imaging scans such as X-rays and MRIs will be used to get a clear view of the structures within, and to confirm the diagnosis.
Should you notice pain, swelling, stiffness or weakness of
your ankle, consult a foot and ankle doctor immediately.
Early intervention improves outcomes.
Contact Us
contact us
It is crucial to treat ankle injuries promptly,
or they may worsen and cause long-term effects.

For a detailed assessment and personalised advice, simply reach out to us today.Speak to us at 9631 7637 to find out how we can help you today..

Cove Orthopaedic Clinic | Ankle Treatment

Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre3 Mount Elizabeth #14-13, Singapore 228510

Farrer Park Medical Centre1 Farrer Park Station Road, #11-10Connexion, Singapore 217562

24Hr Emergency Hotline: 9631 7637 or 9731 6622

Tel: 9631 7637, 9731 6622

Mon - Fri : 09:00am to 1:00pm &02:00pm to 5:00pm
Sat : 9:00am to 1:00pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

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